Wayne W Mahmoud
Osteopath & Acupuncturist
I'm Dr. Wayne W Mahmoud (Osteopath & Acupuncturist) and I'm the Director of CPD Health Courses which I established in 2013 with my wife & Co-Director, Dr. Louise Miler (Osteopath).
I graduated from the British School of Osteopathy, London in 1985. I left the UK in 1987 because my wife thought it would be a good idea. As with many things, she was right!
Louise manages everything to do with student enrolments, email inquiries & FAQs. I do the easy stuff of teaching week in, week out all over Australia & New Zealand. Although I'm away from home most weekends, I love the reward of meeting great people at the start of every course on a Friday night.
I really enjoy watching their confidence grow as their skills develop over the course. It's great to know that we're not only helping practitioners learn Dry Needling but helping their patients overcome muscle pain.
Something you probably didn't know about me is that I used to fly small aircraft & teach people to fly, something I've always wanted to do. My dream job though is to be the Osteopath at my beloved Manchester United.
I look forward to seeing you at one of our courses soon.

Sophie Soleman
Remedial Massage Therapist
I'm Sophie Soleman, a Sport's Therapist working full time in a Bayside clinic. After completing the Introductory & Advanced Dry Needling training with CPD Health courses I was offered a position as a Co-Presenter.
I graduated from the Australian College of Sports Therapy (ACST), Melbourne in 2016. Prior to studying at the ACST, I completed a Bachelor of Science at Melbourne University.
While I spend most of my time in clinic working with individuals to achieve their personal goals, I love being in a teaching role on my weekends where I can help other health professionals learn and develop skills that I know will both help them achieve their goals in their profession and also help their patients.
Something you didn't know about me is that I originally had a dream to study Veterinary Science at Melbourne University due to my love of animals but moved into the human treatment field during my studies. Through my years of study and work, I have come to realise that my dream job is not one specific job, rather it's a job where I know I am helping others to achieve their goals, whether they be around pain management and musculoskeletal issues or otherwise. Helping others achieve great things is where my passion lies.

Marty McCullock
Hey! I'm Dr Marty McCullock (Osteopath) and I'm the Principal Osteopath at “The Clinic Osteopathy & Dry Needling” in Wollongong, NSW.
Wollongong is a beautiful coastal city just 1hr south of Sydney that boasts great food, coffee and nightlife. However, its the seaside living that attracts me to this place the most. It’s a wonderful place to live, work & play (shhhhh! don’t tell too many people though!)
I graduated from the University of Western Sydney in 2006. I had already developed a keen interest in needling, so, I learnt this skill within the first year of practice and I have been applying it ever since & its the best thing I’ve ever done! I don’t think I would have been as successful in my practice if it weren’t for learning this skill (Not to mention, I definitely would have gotten bored with practicing by now if it wasn’t for Dry Needling! It's the whole reason I get out of bed!).
I had completed several courses before I met Wayne and the gang and I felt that the CPD Health Courses DNT/DNA really had something that the other courses hadn’t quite grasped. So, I was stoked when Wayne invited me to come on board and become a presenter! Now I get to meet so many great people and teach one of the things I am most passionate about in my life... Dry Needling! I just love seeing people getting excited about the things I get excited about!
So, when I’m not teaching or practicing in my clinic, you can find me surfing, camping, riding my motorbike or driving my 1963 EJ Holden (affectionately known as “MARY”) and simply enjoying life”s little pleasures… Peace!

Skye Duncan
Originally a country kid, I moved to the brighter lights of Melbourne to fulfil a childhood dream of becoming a Vet. But after a year studying a combined Science and Arts Degree at Melbourne Uni, things changed course and I discovered Osteopathy. I jumped ship, and was even taught a couple of subjects by her greatest mentor Wayne, and completed a Bachelor of Science (Clinical Science) and Master in Health Science (Osteopathy) from Victoria University in 2000. During my Masters degree, I was a part-time lecturer in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology teaching Paramedic Science students.
The city lights started to dim and the Sunshine Coast, QLD began calling me. I quickly learnt to surf and joined the local surf lifesaving club.
With a passion for health and chronic pain conditions, I established Noosa Osteopathy in 2004. I've enjoyed juggling my private practice with being a Mum, Wife and musician. My 15 minutes of fame, so far, have been as a back up singer with USA tenor Josh Groban of “you raise me up” fame!
Since moving to Queensland, I've undertaken a number of postgraduate programs including Dry Needling, Cranial and Biodynamic Osteopathy. I've also travelled as team Osteopath to Italy with the Sunshine Beach Surf Lifesaving Club Masters team in 2004, treated elephants at Australia Zoo and I enjoy working out with Crossfit4566 community.
Louise Miler
Rebecca Officer
Terry Stewart
Alex Mutu

Dominic Stockdale
My name is Dominic, I’m a physiotherapist, originally from Manchester in the UK. I graduated from the University of Bradford in 2012 and have been working in private practice here in Australia since 2013. I have been lucky enough to see quite a bit of Australia since then and after spending 4 years working in QLD, moved back to WA in 2017. I am now living in Mandurah and am the principal physio at a clinic in Pinjarra which opened earlier this year (2019).
I have been a presenter with CPD health courses since 2017 and really enjoy helping other health professionals learn and develop this great skill that I have found so useful in my practice.
In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family which mainly involves my wife & I trying to stop our son (who is almost 2) causing chaos everywhere we go. I also like spending time at the beach and anything to do with soccer, whether playing or watching and openly admit to being a biased Manchester United fan.
I look forward to meeting some of you at one of the Fremantle courses soon.

Sonja Saar
My name is Sonja and I currently live and work in Brisbane - specialising in Sports Physiotherapy and CrossFit.
I completed an initial degree in Biomedical Science with a major in Exercise Physiology and then combined this with a Masters of Physiotherapy. This complements my keen interest in functional fitness, CrossFit and encouraging people to live healthier and happier lives.
I currently own and run both a small private practice Physiotherapy clinic and CrossFit gym - this allows me to combine both my interests super well! In addition to my degree qualifications, I also work for CPD Health Courses, Rocktape Australia and have Level 1 Gymnastics and CrossFit qualifications.
I love teaching dry needling to the students on the CPD health courses - it’s great to be able to safely share a modality that is so effective and watch people get excited about the results they see and skills they learn across the weekend. I look forward to meeting you on a Brisbane course soon!
Start your Dry Needling training for just $1 today!
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- Click Enrol and choose your practical course.
- Pay only $1
- After making your payment, your place will be secured on the practical course, and you'll get instant access to ALL your online theory and video training modules
- Pay the balance 14 days before your practical course
- All admin fees have been waived (normally $55)
It’s as easy as that!
And don't forget...the SOONER you enrol, the MORE TIME you'll have to complete your theory modules.